After watching the horrific events of Sandy Hook Elementary on the news, I was deeply touched by the inspiring story of Victoria Soto, a true hero. In response to her story, YouTuber Denver Saunders made a masterful video exhorting everyone to shun the evil of the killer and focus on the goodness of Victoria Soto:
“This [killer] does not represent humanity. This man’s behavior was an aberration of human existence. He needed help. But there is no need for this world to give him recognition or put him at the center of any story. What our world needs is a face like [Victoria Soto]…so when you tell the story, don’t speak of a man who took life, speak of the woman who gave hers.”
I strongly encourage you to watch the video below and share it with others. Help the world believe in humanity’s goodness.
Faith is seeing a world others tell you is fantasy,
Hope is trusting in its imminent arrival, and
Love is the only way to bridge the gap between the two worlds.