I never really understood the deep meaning of being honest until recently. We all know that being honest to people is good – that way we will never have to lie, then remember our lies, get things mixed up, maybe some day get caught, and make other people lose trust in us. In other words honesty really IS the best policy. This is a well-known purpose of honesty, simple but reasonable.
But what I have recently discovered, and what I want to write about, is another kind of honesty – the honesty to ourselves. I would say that it is the deepest level of honesty.
People tend to lie to themselves. We make so many excuses to do things that we know are bad, but want to do anyway. We come up with so many reasons for indulgences. How many times have we deceived ourselves with thoughts like “everybody else does it,” or “it is OK as long as nobody sees me,” or “I’ll change tomorrow”?
These are all lies, and we know that. We just don’t confess it. Deep down, we know the right choice we should make, hesitate while deciding, then choose the wrong way. After repeatedly ignoring our conscience, we seem to care less and deceive ourselves faster. Does it bring any happiness? Are we happy with ourselves?
My experience shows that no, we’re not. We lose our faith in ourselves and we lose our self-respect. And a person who loses these things can’t be content with their lives. And this constant state of discontentment makes us nothing but angry and hostile towards other people. And that is where the unhappiness begins.
There a solution—stop self-deception from the beginning.
Being honest with myself is not always easy. The most difficult part of this kind of honesty is deciding that I want to start being completely honest with myself. If I really WANT it, then I can handle the rest.
Deep down, I always know the right decision for any situation. I just need to dig deeper into my understanding of the truth. That might take some time and effort. I need to be patient. Nobody knows me better than myself. Nobody is aware of my shortcomings and strengths as well as I am. It is necessary to consult with myself all the time. I need to be objective. In any situation I must ask myself what I really think or what I really feel. Am I choosing this option because it is the right one or because its the easiest? Am I really doing this because I want to become better or I just want others to think I am? Are others really treating me bad or do I just want to feel hurt and offended? Are people unfair to me or have I deserved it? Is tomorrow really the day I am going to start changing or I am just postponing my decisions?
If I am conscientious and objective, I will be honest. And when I’m honest I will see what I need to fix in myself. I am sure I won’t always be successful in fixing it at first. I might not even be successful after a hundred times of trying. But at least I will know where my problem is. I will be at peace with my mind. And once I start trying, every step will become easier and easier. I am sure each step will help me move forward on the path of becoming a better and a happier person.