Today I simply wish to ask you a question and discuss its answer: If you have never lost yourself, how can you ever find yourself?
At various times in our lives we have all lost our way, suddenly realizing that we were miles from where should be. The question in that moment of realization is not only one of ‘how did I get here’ but also ‘where do I go from here?’ It is in the very moments of being lost that we have the most powerful opportunities for growth, for it is in these moments that we finally realize and see our need for growth and change!
In the moment we realize that we have lost our way, we have a choice. We can either continue on as we have in the past, wishfully hoping that things will improve and that we will find our way again, or we can begin to look within us and change as we know we must. The way we respond in such moments matters much more than what brought us to this point. We are here now, in these moments, as we are, and it is from these moments that we must act!
If you feel that you are lost at this moment in your life, please do not become disheartened. Many of the most wonderful experiences and lessons of my life resulted from becoming lost and finding myself therein. As we explore ourselves and the world around us when we are lost, we discover quite quickly that there is much to learn. The QUESTIONS we ask at such times become extremely important in shaping our future. And the ANSWERS we decide to hold onto shape the future of our walking.
The QUESTIONS we ask lead to discovery and learning. The ANSWERS we hold often times lead to complacency and comfort, in time. It is in the ANSWERS we hold that establish the patterns, habits, and foundations of our lives from which we walk forward into the future. Thus, it is the ANSWERS we hold to the QUESTIONS of our past which, in a very real sense, create and shape our experience of the world to this point. The QUESTIONS we continue to ask, on the other hand, alter the course of our future and cause us to challenge our own perspectives, patterns, habits, and thoughts. The QUESTIONS we ask cause us to change our action as we move forward into the future. Many times these QUESTIONS grow naturally from the experiences of our lives, causing discontent or sadness, as we begin to QUESTION the ANSWERS of our past which have not resulted in the peace and happiness we anticipated. This is not a bad thing! It is only the natural progression of learning!
Even the sadness or discontentment that we find with the realization that we are lost or have lost our path, in some way IS a positive factor in our lives. And, before you discount that statement read it again. Sadness IS positive. Why? Because sadness (aside from love) is the ONLY emotion which leads us to change. Sadness is a precursor to ALL change. It is precisely because we are sad that we seek to change our thoughts, habits, perspectives, and actions in the world. When we are happy and content, there is no need for us to change, and thus, we don’t. We stay in our complacent and happy state until something in our world changes and we realize one of two things; either our own actions have finally led us to this place of unhappiness, or something in the world around us has changed and we have become disenchanted by it. Either of these result in sadness. One comes as the natural consequence of our own actions, while the other comes as the consequence of an ever-changing world.
Be happy, though! This sadness will pass! How do we know that? Because sadness leads us to seek change in our own lives! Happiness will always follow sadness and thus, in the moments of our sadness, all we must do is remember that with time and enough sadness, we will change ourselves and our lives and become happy again. Our happiness will come as we align ourselves with the lessons we have learned in the recent days, months, and years of our experience. And with each passing cycle, we will learn better how to live our lives in a way that results in our continued happiness. We will learn how to better live from and cherish the ANSWERS which bring, build, and guard true HAPPINESS in our lives. The ups and downs will become smaller, fewer, and farther between as we instill good, forward walking habits in our lives.
In my own personal life, I have learned that the process of being lost is much more instructive than the process of asking for directions. The reason this is so–at least for me–is that in being lost, I learn, understand, and internalize the lessons of my past. When I am given directions, even if I understand them logically, I have not yet internalized them. Many are the lessons I have been taught over the course of my life that I couldn’t fully live and integrate into my life until experience taught me of their true importance! Once internalized, they became tools which helped to ensure happiness in my life as I moved forward!
Remember that pain, sadness, and discontent are all part of life. They exist in our past, and will exist in our future. We must learn to embrace the sadness when it comes, and allow it to move through us. If we avoid it, then it will only intensify with time, and eventually explode within us with greater force in the future. Embrace it. Learn from it. Learn the lessons inherent in it, and move forward from there.
As you move forward, remember that life is joyous but that it is the moments of sadness in between that teach us to appreciate and cherish the joyous moments when they come. Look at your own life and clarify where you stand. Ask yourself what ANSWERS have gotten you to where you are–both good and bad! Guard the good, and transcend the bad by letting them go! Look into your heart and clarify the ANSWERS, the foundation, upon which you stand. Live from this space, and honor the truths which you have received.
Seek further QUESTIONS in the areas of your life that aren’t working or which you are sad about or discontent with. Ask yourself what QUESTIONS are shaping the course of your future. Clarify the QUESTIONS you seek to answer, and move forward from there.
Remember, as you walk toward the brighter hope of a better day, that where you are now is but the beginning. Today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter you can have a new beginning and start yourself back on the path toward your goals and dreams. If you have lost your way, remember that is only in losing your way that you can find it again. May you be blessed as you walk the path beneath your feet, wherever it may lead you…