Throughout my life, I have had several opportunities to work closely with children. I remember sitting in a classroom of four-year-olds, all of their eyes fixated on me, eager to learn, to grow, to become. It amazed me to think of all the potential contained in that room. These children could literally become ANYTHING they set their hearts to be. It is something that we hear every day—that we can achieve anything we truly desire. But looking at a child, you can SEE it. Their little minds are working so quickly, taking in so much. And they have faith in themselves. I never once met a kid who said, “Gee, I’d like to become an astronaut, but I’ll probably just become a janitor or something like that… because I’m just not that amazing.”
So when do we change? What is that magical turning point that makes us doubt our own abilities to achieve success, to be all the things that we dreamed of becoming when we were children?
I have a friend named Nik, who either never came to this turning point, or just plain ignored it when he did. Nik simply set goals for himself—hopes, dreams, aspirations—and then lived them.
Nik Day has become a sort of local “celebrity” heart-throb. He’s a singer, a songwriter, a film-maker, and well… let’s face it… he’s not bad looking.
Nik has had a love of music since he was very young, and he always longed to become a musician. He only had one problem—he struggled to read music. This seams like a pretty big roadblock to the world of music. But Nik didn’t let this bother him. He simply worked harder, and found ways to overcome the issue. He says,
“I have a really good ear, and it’s made it so I don’t have to read music very often. I can still write music down on paper and figure it out, but it definitely isn’t one of my strengths. I graduated… in commercial music…so I’m not completely incompetent. The more I do music, the more I realize that people don’t really care that I don’t read music, and it’s not required very often. If I had to choose between being able to read music and having a good ear, I would definitely choose having a good ear, because it helps me in the creative process.”
I first saw Nik play at a college campus contest show, and I was blown away by his talent. Soon after, he offered to play at a party I was having at my own house. I excitedly accepted his offer. We had our own music line-up, and the crowds were huge! My friends and neighbors thought Nik was sensational. The thought that he couldn’t read music never never crossed any of our minds.
So many of us would have come to a challenge like that, hung our heads, and walked away. I’m so impressed by Nik and his perseverance, his dedication to overcoming obstacles. It’s not that he doesn’t worry sometimes. Just like any of us, he has concerns that things might not work out perfectly.
“I think that the hardest thing about life is not knowing what the future holds,” he says.
However, the important thing is that he doesn’t let these concerns keep him from working.
“…but at the same time it is exciting to look ahead and visualize the possibilities. I had no idea that I’d be where I am today, and all of it is because of past experiences that have helped shape me into what I am. I am so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and the trials I’ve had to overcome because they have taught me how to deal with present roadblocks and trials that I’m facing.”
The important thing is that he doesn’t let his fears and concerns keep him from meeting his goals.
Probably because he has reached for some pretty big things in his life, worked hard, and caught hold of some of them, Nik believes that all of us are capable of reaching our goals. He says the most important thing is just to HAVE a dream:
“I would say that the most important thing to… is to really visualize what you want in life. Put it up on your wall and look at it daily. Because we all need a reminder of what we want and how we’re going to get it. We need clear, precise goals. I believe that once we know what we want, everything around us will help us achieve those goals. So many people go through life having no idea of what their mission is, why they’re here, or what they want to achieve, and because of that they never progress. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I’m getting closer every day, and that’s what matters.”
Beyond just producing his own music (which is fabulous, by the way), Nik also writes music for the youth program in the LDS church, makes videos, and coaches others in their music. But one of the things that really makes him awesome, is that he’s not satisfied with just these sucesses. He says,
“I think that for where I am in life, I am successful. But there is so much more that I want to accomplish! I plan on writing and arranging music for major recording artists, writing musicals, writing music for TV and movies, and teaching others how to do it too. I also want to produce TV and dabble in other creative areas.”
We are all still children at heart—filled with unlimited potentials. We truly can be successful in reaching our goals, our dreams, and our desires. The key to success is simple faith. Have faith in yourself and work hard, despite the trials you will face. And one day, you will find yourself marveling at all that you have accomplished, achieved, and become.
If you are interested in learning more about Nik Day and his awesome music, visit one or all of the following links. Like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, and all of that good stuff! This kid really is incredible!
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