An American religious leader once compared life to a wheel around which we move. Said he: “There are times when we are up [at the top of the wheel] and someone else is down. But in due time it [will be] the other way around…Every man [and woman] will fail sometime.” (Truman Madsen, The Highest in Us, p. 26)
I came across that quote a few years ago and have thought a great deal about it. When we are on top, it is our responsibility to reach behind and lift those who are below. When we are on the bottom, those who we have lifted to the top will reach down and lift us. Only in this way, will we move forward in life. We move forward by lifting each other.
So if you find yourself on the bottom of life’s wheel, look around and see the hands of those who are trying to lift you up—for I guarantee there is always a willing hand. And if you find yourself on top of life’s wheel, reach down and lift those who are in need.
For aren’t we all, at one point or another, in need of a helping hand?