My mind sometimes wanders off at the simplest things. I find myself wondering about where the ingredients to the meal I’m cooking came from, where the chair I’m sitting in was made, who grew the locally-grown strawberries I’m eating, or where the cotton for the dress I’m sewing came from. What went into collecting and creating those things?
Well, I finally got some answers about one basic item that we are all familiar with, and which we probably don’t even give a second thought: the pencil.
Watch this beautiful and thought-provoking video to see the full extent of where this ordinary and simple thing comes from. Wrap your mind around how we are all important and connected.
I hope the next time you feel like you’re unimportant, or that you have nothing worth-while to contribute, you’ll remember that the smallest and simplest things can make the biggest difference. Can you imagine a world without pencils? Likewise, I can’t imagine the world with out the seemingly “small” people who have dramatically affected my life. Chances are, you are one of those people to someone else–a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a hot meal, some spare change, a sweet melody, or a simple compliment. Those are important. And so are you.