A few months ago, I came across this WICKED AWESOME organization called Fight The New Drug, and I became an instant groupie/fan/supporter! I LOVE everything they are doing in the fight against pornography. Do you know how addictive and prevalent pornography is today?
The University of Pennsylvania Mental Heath Department says: “Porn is one of the most concerning things to the psychological health of the human being existing today. Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts since coke users can get the drug out of their system but pornographic images stay in your brain forever…” [1]
Articles like this: “One in 10 Young Americans Has Committed Sexual Violence“, this: “Experiment that convinced me online porn is the most pernicious threat facing children today”, and how about this Ted Talk: “The Demise of Guys” are popping up all over the place to educate people of the truth about Porn.
So I became a fighter.

Fight the New Drug makes is really easy to get involved and become a fighter. In fact, you can click on the banner below to find 5 ways they suggest for you to join the fight. I have also included a few additional ideas.
Buy FTND swag and then post it on social media such as Twitter, FB, & Instagram

DONATE to FTND so they can give FORTIFY to those in need for FREE!
Every little bit helps in the fight against this NEW and deadly drug!
[1]Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2004/11/6577
just watching the videos and learning .. it’s changing my life right now .. I am going to take this to my addiction recovery group to share. Thank you for sharing and making a difference
Awesome! Here is an interesting article as well on the subject – Pornography – Harmless or Toxic? http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/wp20130801/is-pornography-harmful/
There are lot help available at http://www.yourbrainonporn.com, please utilize them to get over this crazy addition!!!