“Why haven’t you finished writing your book yet?” the man asked patiently. “I don’t have time,” I replied. In response, he replied, “That isn’t true.” He then smiled broadly and continued. “That’s a cop-out answer. Why don’t you really write it? We all have the same amount of time. We don’t have time; we make it. What…
Author: Daniel Adam Freeman
Receiving the Goodness of Life
I’d always thought that to be blessed by the hand of the Creator in life was an effortless thing. Being blessed was being given a gift that I didn’t have to work for. Being blessed was to be handed what I needed in the moment I needed it. And I couldn’t have been more wrong……
What is Love?
Love is a choice. It is not something that happens to us, or that we ‘fall into’, at least not long term. We may ‘fall into’ love initially by feeling something towards another we cannot explain but only experience but it is only by choice that we stay in love. It is created as we spend time…
Overcoming Fear Itself
In the pursuit of any dream there is always one questions which rises to the surface again and again: How do we overcome our fears and move forward into the future we can see? How do we overcome the things that stop us? How do we overcome fear itself? Now that we have explored what…
What stops us from living our dreams?
Now that we have explored what it actually looks like to live our dreams we must answer the next set of questions that come to mind: What is it that actually stops us from living our dreams? Why don’t we pursue them more fully in our own lives? Why do we continue to put secondary things above…
What does it mean to live our dreams?
What stops us from living our dreams is a question I would love to answer today (topic of my next article), however, I have learned that before we can address what stops us from living our dreams we must ask ourselves what our dreams truly entail? Of what are they made? What do they look…
Deja-Vu? Again?
Haven’t I been here before? I’ve seen this before! I know what is going to happen! In my life I have experienced two types of deja-vu that I’d like to explore today: the traditional Dreaming deja-vu, and the non-traditional Energetic or Spiritual deja-vu. This second form of deja-vu is experienced when you either meet someone for…
Forging Character
As we go through life we are confronted, rather regularly, by decisions which will alter the course of our individual and collective futures. We must make them. And we must commit to follow-through on the choices and decisions we decide to make. It would be naive to expect to, or assume that we could, go…
The 'Oxygen' of Life
Lately I’ve been swimming more and more to stay in shape. I have learned that as one swims there is one very important thing, a thing which your swimming form plays into very much, a thing which is as important to swimming as it is to our being–breathing. In order to swim, one must balance…