My mind sometimes wanders off at the simplest things. I find myself wondering about where the ingredients to the meal I’m cooking came from, where the chair I’m sitting in was made, who grew the locally-grown strawberries I’m eating, or where the cotton for the dress I’m sewing came from. What went into collecting and…
Author: Janae
Defeating PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
When you’ve been made a victim, it can be difficult to see yourself as anything else. Discrimination, abuse, and violence can make it hard to see yourself otherwise. But it is possible to no longer view yourself that way. It is possible to survive terrible events, and even thrive because of them. Recently, I learned…
Defeating PTSD: Recognition
My road to coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been a difficult one. I didn’t even know that I needed any help or that I really had a problem until someone else gently helped me to realize it. I was 23 before I ever stepped foot into a therapist’s office. Bob and I were…
Defeating PTSD: What Is It, Anyway?
I’m beginning a series of posts about my own understanding of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I’m not a psychologist, and have no training in understanding the human mind. But I do know about my personal experience with PTSD, as well as the experiences of a small handful of friends and acquaintances who have also…
Defeating PTSD: Recognition
My road to coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been a difficult one. I didn’t even know that I needed any help or that I really had a problem until someone else gently helped me to realize it. I was 23 before I ever stepped foot into a therapist’s office. Bob and I were…
Defeating PTSD: What Is It, Anyway?
I’m beginning a series of posts about my own understanding of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I’m not a psychologist, and have no training in understanding the human mind. But I do know about my personal experience with PTSD, as well as the experiences of a small handful of friends and acquaintances who have also…
Shield Your Eyes From the Sun
I’d been frustrated by various things for most of the day. Little things just kept going wrong and making everything take longer, become more difficult, and ultimately upset me worse and worse. Usually it all just adds up and I lose my patience, which leads to my poor husband having no choice but to listen…
The Great Gray Area
Sometimes, there are obvious distinctions between the right and wrong choices we’re faced with in life. Running a stop sign because you’re feeling careless is a bad choice. Returning the purse an elderly woman left in her shopping cart at the grocery store is a good choice. Continuing to date someone because you just don’t…
Love is Greater than Fear
I’d like to tell you a true story about love. When I was a teenager, I was terrified of marriage. How could I ever find one person who I wouldn’t get bored of, who I would care about so much that I would put his needs before my own, and who I could trust in…